You have created your product that you truly believe in. But to make sure your efforts pay off, you need to implement the right strategies that will lead you to inevitable success. Let’s take a look at these 9 great selling software online tips that will help you monetize your software, apps, games or any other digital product.
#1: Share Your Story

Do not shy about sharing your story with your customer, the story that lies behind the establishment of your company and product. It is probably that you were suffering from similar problems that your customers experiencing now. So a good narrative would comfort your prospects because it shows that you understand them. As Carmine Gallo mentions in his phenomenal international best-seller, Talk Like Ted: “Abstractions are difficult for most people to process. Stories turn abstract concepts into tangible, emotional and memorable ideas.”
In VolkoAudio, our firstborn service, we had been suffering from similar issues with license management that we promise to painlessly solve now. It is the service that we had been using for years as a backend for VolkoAudio. We would not have been offering KEYZY to our customers if it had not satisfied our needs, thoroughly.
#2: Solicit and Honest Feedbacks

Realistic and honest feedback is the single most important thing when it comes to testing your commodity. It helps you notice the defections of your product and discover the aspects of it that the customers are not satisfied with. That is why introducing a beta version of your product is crucial before going all out on a project. They might cost you thousands of dollars in the future just because you failed to detect them.
In addition, you can ask your customers to share their experiences with your product. You can do so in case studies or blog postings. Honest opinion coming from present customers would encourage your prospects to give your service a try.
#3: Reliable Cloud Servers

Servers are a problem. They are costly investments and require constant upgrades and all sorts of dedication. Most software companies resort to cloud-based solutions so they are free of the burden and focus on what matters, their customers. In addition, cloud computing provides agility to your business operations since you adapt your servers to ever-changing demands of the market with no additional costs. You will definitely need reliable servers if you want to remain competitive in the industry in which more than 90% of business today heads for cloud services.
We offer “painless solutions” here in KEYZY, because thanks to our cloud-backed servers, server management is no longer an issue in licensing matters.
#4: Free Trials, But Keep Them Short
For small start-ups and software companies offering trials is essential for customer acquiring and selling software online. Considering you are a B2B and your target customers are small businesses as well, most of your prospects would want to experience the product before buying. However, you might want to reduce the trial period. So that the sales cycle become shortened, hence your customer acquisition costs. Also, with a shorter trial duration, your prospects will be more eager to try out your services. For a desktop app, plug-ins, etc., you can also ask users to leave their mail address to reach access for your trial. You can award the user afterwards with a gift of another software, an e-book, or a limited service, and so.
#5: Constant Follow-Up of the Campaigns
Once your marketing campaign is set, you constantly need to keep your eyes on the metrics. You must always try new and different things to test what is working and what is not when selling software online. Try out multi-channels and observe which platforms bring about relatively higher conversion rates. Marketing is a slippery ground and you might fall over if you pay no mind to ever-changing trends.

#6: Search Forums for Prospects

Forums are great if you want to find prospects looking for solutions to the problems that you solve. There is a whole range of industry-specific forums on the Internet today. Say, a prospect is looking for an answer related to your area of business and posted a question on a forum thread, and getting many responses. If your response can stand out against numerous of them by providing the most convenient answer, and prove your service or product is the one that your prospect needs, congrats in advance on your close. Quora is a question-and-answer based forum that is perfectly tailored for customer acquisition and selling software online.
#7: Offer a 24/7 Customer Support

Although you will not be speaking with your customers at all times, it is a comfort for them to assure that you are 24/7 reachable. Almost all of the software companies operate or wants to operate globally. Considering the time-differences, you might want to outsource customer services and, resort to online chat or ticketing services.
#8: Include an Instructive Video of Your Product
An animation, a short-video or some sort of a webinar that explains your products and how it works would help a lot your prospect to decide on the purchase. Even a couple of minutes video would clarify the questions that they might have with regards to your product. That is why instructive short videos are a crucial element of selling software online. As Garry Vaynerchuck, one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the 21st century puts it: “No matter what you’re selling, no matter what your company does. If you don’t have a video marketing strategy for the biggest video platforms, you are going to lose.”
#9: Preventing Fraud with License Keys

The very last thing you would want to happen to your business is, of course, some people pirating your products, hence your work, and exploit it for free. License keys are great tools to prevent such plagiarism, because it helps you track down the usage of your product.
That is why here in KEYZY, we offer practical solutions for your software, apps and indie products, you name it. Through KEYZY, you can automatically generate license keys, manage and oversee them with ease. We invite you to explore our different plans according to your needs.
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